I hear South Carolina now leads the nation in collard green acreage. Tell me more, Commissioner. Commissioner: In the 2017 Census of Agriculture, we only topped the list for one…
It’s just about time for SCATE renewals in South Carolina! Here to tell us more about the SCATE rolling renewal is South Carolina Ag Commissioner Hugh Weathers. Commissioner: As you…
SC Ag Commissioner Hugh Weathers is here to tell us about some of the SC State Farmers Market holiday events. What are some of the upcoming events in the state?…
It’s Thanksgiving week, when every American is thinking abut food. And of course, food is your business, Commissioner. Commissioner: While you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving meal this year, I hope you’ll…
It’s just about Christmas tree season in South Carolina! Here to tell us about this industry is Ag Commissioner Hugh Weathers. Commissioner: It sure feels early to be talking about…
I see USDA just released the latest round of Specialty Crop Block Grant awards Let’s talk about these grants and their impact in SC. Commissioner Weathers: We will be administering…
Veterans Day is coming up on Monday, November 11. How important are military veterans to South Carolina agriculture? Here in South Carolina, around 12 percent of producers are serving or…
Commissioner, I understand you went to Sunbelt Ag Expo recently for the Southeastern Farmer of the Year Awards in support of a South Carolina farm family. Yes, Mike. Every October…
COLUMBIA – In August, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced $603,000 in funding awarded to South Carolina through the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. Through this program, the South Carolina…