Grain prices have fallen to their lowest level since COVID-19. A Bloomberg report extended this year’s losses to 17 percent,…
The latest USDA effort to provide support to dairy producers with herds impacted by the H5N1 virus involves an updated…
Levels of drought we have not seen in more than a decade. There’s the headline for you. I’m Mike Davis…
The honeybee population faces challenges like we all do, but the list appears to be manageable. Brandon Hopkins, a researcher…
RALEIGH – Although most of the state saw some rainfall in the past week, it was not enough to improve dry conditions, leading the North Carolina Drought Management…
The U.S. House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee is set to mark up a funding bill that could include some good…
Quality management of a cow during the dry period is a critical component of any udder health program. Dr. Jennifer…
And now classic comedian WC Fields on the subject of snakes. “All my best friends are snakes, yeah, particularly rattlesnakes.…
The United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on June 1, 2024, was 74.5 million head. That number is…