Some Western Iowa Farmers Getting ‘Remarkable’ Corn Yields

Some Western Iowa Farmers Getting ‘Remarkable’ Corn Yields

Mike DavisNov 1, 2023

Glenn Smith is a farmer in western Iowa, which has had one of its hottest, driest growing seasons in a…

Biden, Cabinet Heading to Rural America

Biden, Cabinet Heading to Rural America

Mike DavisOct 31, 2023

Over the course of two weeks, President Joe Biden, cabinet members, and senior administration officials are scheduled to barnstorm across…

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday October 31

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday October 31

Mike DavisOct 31, 2023

This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Grain markets started…

SC Commissioner Weathers: State of the SC Ports

SC Commissioner Weathers: State of the SC Ports

Mike DavisOct 31, 2023

The South Carolina Ports have a major impact on the state. Commissioner Weather is here to tell us about it.…

NC Commissioner Troxler: Avoid Soil Sample Fees Now

NC Commissioner Troxler: Avoid Soil Sample Fees Now

Mike DavisOct 31, 2023

Peak-season fees for testing soil samples is set to go into effect Dec. 1, which means homeowners and growers have…

Severe Drought Conditions Identified in Parts of Four NC Counties

Severe Drought Conditions Identified in Parts of Four NC Counties

Mike DavisOct 30, 2023

RALEIGH – North Carolina’s Drought Management Advisory Council (DMAC) has introduced its Severe Drought category (D2 classification) for parts of Cleveland,…

Organic Produce Sales and Volume Up Two Percent

Organic Produce Sales and Volume Up Two Percent

Mike DavisOct 30, 2023

For the second quarter in a row, organic fresh produce grew slightly in year-over-year sales and volume in the third…

Some Surprises in USDA’s Latest Cattle Feedlot Numbers

Some Surprises in USDA’s Latest Cattle Feedlot Numbers

Mike DavisOct 30, 2023

Nature’s obviously continuing to play a very heavy impact on producer decisions. USDA livestock analyst Shayle Shagam’s comments. After studying…

World Soybean, Corn Stocks Rebuilding While Wheat, Rice Sink

World Soybean, Corn Stocks Rebuilding While Wheat, Rice Sink

Mike DavisOct 30, 2023

During a recent Fall Harvest Outlook webinar hosted by Rabobank, the topic turned to worldwide grain stocks. Stephen Nicholson, global…