Etheridge: Crop Insurance Can Help, But Not Replace Crop Losses

Etheridge: Crop Insurance Can Help, But Not Replace Crop Losses

Aug 19, 2024 | 2:27am
North and South Carolina are still feeling the effects of June’s flash drought. Recent rains have alleviated the effect for many crops, although the corn yield in many places has been decimated. Bob Etheridge is the executive director for the Farm Service Agency in North Carolina, and tells SFN’s Chris Edwards he doesn’t remember seeing […]
Summer Crop Production Updates from USDA for August

Summer Crop Production Updates from USDA for August

Aug 19, 2024 | 12:46am
A unique August report from USDA chief economist Seth Meyer says what made this month’s crop production report significant is the addition of data sets previously submitted later in the year. “It’s a bigger month than it has been historically, and part of this is the move by NASS to introduce the FSA acreage earlier […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 16

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 16

Aug 16, 2024 | 4:28am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. We have had several sessions to digest USDA’s latest numbers now and there has not been much for the bulls to hang their hopes on. We have seen good news on the demand side this week in […]
Big Crops, Good August Weather, and Marketing

Big Crops, Good August Weather, and Marketing

Aug 16, 2024 | 3:37am
This week’s USDA reports showed record-setting yields for corn and soybeans. The issue now may be that a big crop, with corn nationwide at 183.1 bushels an acre, could get even bigger if the weather holds through the end of the growing season. University of Illinois ag economist Joe Janzen has some thoughts on how […]
USDA Trade Mission to Colombia Off to Good Start

USDA Trade Mission to Colombia Off to Good Start

Aug 15, 2024 | 10:42am
Twenty-three ag related businesses and 12 ag associations are in Bogota, Colombia this week as part of USDA trade mission there. It’s the second such mission to that South American nation, the seventh largest importer of US ag goods. Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor is leading the trip, and says […]
USDA Reports Show a Big Crop Coming This Fall

USDA Reports Show a Big Crop Coming This Fall

Aug 15, 2024 | 3:42am
Two key USDA reports showed that U.S. farmers are set to produce a big crop this fall. Betty Resnick, an economist at the American Farm Bureau, says the production number looks especially good for soybeans. “Corn is projected have a record yield of 183.1 bushels an acre, up 3.3 from last year’s record and above […]
Protecting Corn and Soybeans From Multiple Diseases

Protecting Corn and Soybeans From Multiple Diseases

Aug 15, 2024 | 3:29am
Varying weather conditions across rural America have opened the door for not one but multiple diseases to infest a growers’ field at once. However, it is possible to protect against a broad spectrum of diseases while maintaining a high yield potential. Brian Norton, an agronomic service representative with Syngenta, talks about weather conditions in his […]
Ag Senators Want Fix for Foreign-Owned Farmland Disclosure

Ag Senators Want Fix for Foreign-Owned Farmland Disclosure

Aug 14, 2024 | 12:44pm
Senate Ag Committee members Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John Fetterman (D-PA), and Joni Ernst (R-IA) are asking the USDA to improve its process for foreign-owned farmland disclosures. A letter to the agency follows alleged inaccuracies posted online by the Farm Service Agency under the Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act. “It’s essential for the USDA to ensure […]
Harvest Safety Week is August 19-23

Harvest Safety Week is August 19-23

Aug 14, 2024 | 3:27am
It’s no secret that agriculture is a dangerous occupation. The National Grain and Feed Association is celebrating Harvest Safety Week on August 19-23. Jess McCluer is vice president of safety for the National Grain and Feed Association. “The National Grain Feed Association is a national trade association that represents member companies that operate over 8,000 […]
August WASDE Calls for Lower Corn, Higher Soybean Ending Stocks

August WASDE Calls for Lower Corn, Higher Soybean Ending Stocks

Aug 13, 2024 | 3:39pm
The 2024-2025 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report is calling for larger corn supplies, lower domestic use, greater exports, and smaller ending stocks. Corn production is forecast at 15.1 billion bushels, 47 million higher than last month. Ending stocks are forecast down 24 million bushels to 2.1 billion. The season-average corn price dropped a […]