Conservation Innovation Investments and Projects

Conservation Innovation Investments and Projects

Aug 11, 2024 | 6:22am
Since its inception two decades ago, USDA’s Conservation Innovation Grant program has provided significant investment in new approaches and technologies in the Natural Resources Conservation realm. “The Conservation Innovation Grants Program. It’s a competitive program that NRCS offers to really support development of new tools, new approaches and practices and up and coming technologies to […]
New Plant to Turn Milk into Ethanol

New Plant to Turn Milk into Ethanol

Aug 10, 2024 | 10:36am
A Canadian company that got its start distilling a milk byproduct into spirits, along with a large cooperative owned by Great Lakes dairy farmers, broke ground on a new Michigan plant that will unite their businesses to make ethanol. Ontario-based Dairy Distillery and the Michigan Milk Producers Association are building a new facility near Constantine, […]
Petition to Clarify Labels on Farm Products

Petition to Clarify Labels on Farm Products

Aug 9, 2024 | 10:16am
A coalition of attorneys general is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to implement a new rule that would create uniform labeling requirements on pesticide products across the country. By streamlining the process and preempting misbranding in states like California, it is hoped the rule would lift the burdens currently placed on farmers across the country. […]
Debby Leaves Wet Fields Behind, but Little Wind Damage

Debby Leaves Wet Fields Behind, but Little Wind Damage

Aug 9, 2024 | 4:42am
Tropical Storm Debby leaving an impact on the Carolinas. For some perspective right now, we turn to North Carolina assistant state climatologist Corey Davis. Corey, tell us what you’re seeing, what you’ve heard from across the Carolinas with the impact so far. “Well, Mike, we have been through the wringer. This is an event that […]
Troxler: Debby is Another Example of Extreme Weather

Troxler: Debby is Another Example of Extreme Weather

Aug 9, 2024 | 3:53am
Tropical Storm Debby is exiting North Carolina. State Commissioner of Agriculture Steve Troxler says the biggest impact so far has been from tornados. “We do have reports of a turkey farm in Green County and a broiler farm in Green County being hit by tornados. And the extent of the damage is not completely known […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 9

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 9

Aug 9, 2024 | 3:26am
Corn and soybeans continue to work lower, challenging recent support levels. Since the weather scare a few weeks ago, the weather has turned close to ideal for much of the Midwest. The funds still have a very large short position but have bought back some positions. The fund buying was offset by farmer selling as […]
Reducing Food Poisoning Cases from Salmonella in Poultry

Reducing Food Poisoning Cases from Salmonella in Poultry

Aug 8, 2024 | 2:43am
Yes, it’s true. Over the last 20 years, we have seen a significant reduction in contamination of raw chicken and other poultry products by salmonella bacteria. However… “We have seen no change in the amount of illness that is attributed to chicken, and that’s just not right.” Dr. Emilio Esteban is Under Secretary of Agriculture […]
New Report Shows Land Values at Record Levels

New Report Shows Land Values at Record Levels

Aug 8, 2024 | 2:40am
Farmland prices keep climbing, according to USDA’s Land Values Report. Danny Munch, an economist with the American Farm Bureau Federation, talks about what farmers are facing…tape “The Department of Agriculture’s Land Values Report shows that agricultural real estate values are up five percent, or an average of $200 an acre, to a record of $4,170 […]
Breaking Down Barriers for Young People Entering Beef Industry

Breaking Down Barriers for Young People Entering Beef Industry

Aug 8, 2024 | 2:07am
The 2024 Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting took place in San Diego, California. Colin Woodall, CEO of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, noticed some fresh faces this year in San Diego. “One of the things that I’ve noticed here in San Diego as part of the summer business meetings, is we do have a lot […]
Debby Rumbling Towards Carolinas

Debby Rumbling Towards Carolinas

Aug 7, 2024 | 3:14am
Giving us an update on Tropical Storm Debby, I’m turning to climatologist Corey Davis with the State Climate Office of North Carolina, Corey we’ve already seen to the south of us some really, really heavy rains are. Is that what we can expect here in the Carolinas as well? “Well, unfortunately, Mike, you’re right. We’ve […]