Rep. Davis: Ag Committee Prioritizing on the Farm Bill

Rep. Davis: Ag Committee Prioritizing on the Farm Bill

Aug 16, 2023 | 3:34am
It seems a foregone conclusion now that the 2023 Farm Bill will not be completed before the existing farm bill is set to expire on September the 30th. And North Carolina Democrat Congressman Don Davis is disappointed in that I’m not optimistic that we’ll be able to come back in September and have it done […]
A Push for Healthy School Meals

A Push for Healthy School Meals

Aug 16, 2023 | 2:30am
The hustle and bustle of the school year is now underway for some and will soon be for others. Also keeping school officials and school nutrition experts and personnel busy this time of year: making sure students have healthy meals. To that end, this recent announcement of healthy meal incentives that Agriculture Deputy Secretary Xochitl […]
House Ag Holds Missouri Farm Bill Listening Session

House Ag Holds Missouri Farm Bill Listening Session

Aug 16, 2023 | 12:51am
Members of the House Agriculture Committee attended the Missouri State Fair on Monday, holding a farm bill listening session. Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson reports several common themes from farmers and ranchers. “I think one of the things that is kind of interesting, that makes a lot of sense, is some type of domestic promotion program […]
APHIS Proposal to Strengthen Quarantine and Inspection Program

APHIS Proposal to Strengthen Quarantine and Inspection Program

Aug 15, 2023 | 6:02pm
USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is seeking comments on a proposed rule to amend regulations governing its Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection program user fees. APHIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection jointly administer the program to ensure that cargo and passenger baggage entering the country is inspected for […]
Coffee Is Hot Commodity, Even During This Record Hot Summer

Coffee Is Hot Commodity, Even During This Record Hot Summer

Aug 15, 2023 | 11:30am
And now here’s a 1946 movie scene that’s set in a coffee shop…roll that film. I want a cup of coffee, black. Just a cup of coffee. That’ll be 20 cents. Stop the projector. Twenty cents for two cups of coffee? Wow. It’s no wonder US coffee consumption reached its peak in 1946 with the […]
Rehearsing to Prevent Foreign Animal Disease Outbreaks

Rehearsing to Prevent Foreign Animal Disease Outbreaks

Aug 15, 2023 | 3:43am
Imagine a large tabletop filled with a model-scale display of buildings, trucks, roads, homes, a processing plant, and pigs. This model serves a purpose in foreign animal disease, or FAD, preparation through tabletop exercises. Jesse Heimer, a show pig producer from Missouri, participated in a recent exercise. ”We were able to see the direct cause […]
NC Commissioner Troxler: State Fair Looking for Farm Families of the Day

NC Commissioner Troxler: State Fair Looking for Farm Families of the Day

Aug 15, 2023 | 2:34am
The N.C. State Fair continues its commitment to highlighting North Carolina agriculture through its Farm Family of the Day program presented by Tractor Supply Company. Eleven farm families will be recognized at the State Fair, highlighting their farm and the pride they have in farming.
SC Commissioner Weathers: Cost Share Grants

SC Commissioner Weathers: Cost Share Grants

Aug 15, 2023 | 1:25am
The SC Department of Agriculture uses federal funding to help producers offset certain costs of growing their business. Commissioner Hugh Weathers is here to tell us about these Cost Share Grants and how to apply. Yes, Mike, this is funding that we offer through the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. We like to incentivize […]
North American Winter Wheat Harvest Delayed, but Nearing Finish Line

North American Winter Wheat Harvest Delayed, but Nearing Finish Line

Aug 15, 2023 | 12:15am
Ontario’s winter wheat harvest is finally wrapping up. Farmers in Southwestern and southern central Ontario have struggled to finish a wheat harvest interrupted by a series of heavy rains, thunderstorms, and even some tornadoes. But despite a wet July, indications are that Ontario’s record wheat acreage came off at good to excellent, with some areas […]