Improving Agricultural Literacy at A&T

Improving Agricultural Literacy at A&T

Aug 23, 2023 | 12:50am
How might one define agricultural literacy? For that matter how many people in our country are ag literate? First a possible definition? Make it three provided by North Carolina A&T State University Professor Kathleen Liang. First the knowledge of agriculture in general, whether it’s different subjects like a crop, animal, or about different ways of […]
Pro Farmer Crop Tour: Day One Report

Pro Farmer Crop Tour: Day One Report

Aug 22, 2023 | 3:05pm
Looking good, at least compared to last year, is the corn crop in Ohio which is where the Eastern Leg of Pro Farmer Crop Tour got going on Monday. Pro Farmer Editor Brian Grete… “The state of Ohio, really good corn crop and soybean crop for that matter too. The numbers up pretty solidly from a year […]
NC Commissioner Troxler: County Fair Time!

NC Commissioner Troxler: County Fair Time!

Aug 22, 2023 | 3:58am
As we head into the end of summer and beginning of fall, that means it is fair time in North Carolina. The state is home to 32 county and regional agricultural fairs from the mountains to the coast. These community events celebrate their people and their talents, and they highlight local contributors to the state’s […]
Pro Farmer Crop Tour Begins Today

Pro Farmer Crop Tour Begins Today

Aug 21, 2023 | 2:23pm
The 31st annual Pro Farmer Crop Tour gets going Monday. AgriTalk host Chip Flory is again leading the western leg of the crop tour and says they’ll cover a lot of miles. “The tour is going to be leaving Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Monday morning and make our way down to Grand Island, Nebraska. […]
Corn Export Sales Move Higher

Corn Export Sales Move Higher

Aug 21, 2023 | 12:50pm
Corn sales to overseas buyers for this current marketing year improved in the seven days ending on August 10, but USDA data shows that soybean export sales declined during the same period last year. Exporters sold 233,500 metric tons of corn for delivery for 2022-2023, up 55 percent from the previous week and 16 percent […]
NASS: Most Cow-Calf Operations Remain Small

NASS: Most Cow-Calf Operations Remain Small

Aug 21, 2023 | 12:47pm
Most cow-calf operations in the U.S. remain relatively small and have fewer than 50 cows. USDA says at the other end of the spectrum, a few very large operations with more than 1,000 cows can be found. USDA data from the National Agricultural Statistics Service Ag Census indicates that between 1997 and 2017, most cow-calf […]
Ag Groups Support USTR in Mexican Trade Dispute

Ag Groups Support USTR in Mexican Trade Dispute

Aug 21, 2023 | 12:44pm
The U.S. Trade Representative requested a panel formation under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement over Mexico’s decision to ban imports of biotech corn used in human consumption. Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall said his group appreciates U.S. Trade Rep Katherine Tai for her continued commitment to holding Mexico to its agreements under USMCA. “America’s farmers are upholding […]
R-CALF: Sheep Industry an Example of What Could Happen to Cattle Industry

R-CALF: Sheep Industry an Example of What Could Happen to Cattle Industry

Aug 21, 2023 | 11:44am
R-Calf United stock Growers of America is pointing to the domestic sheep industry as a warning to what can happen to the cattle industry. R-CALF CEO Bill Bullard. And we’ve been looking at this for a decade and have been warning the cattle industry that the sheep industry is in fact, the canary in the […]