A Mid-Spring Weather Checkup

A Mid-Spring Weather Checkup

Apr 19, 2024 | 5:07am
We are near the midpoint of climatological spring. I’m Mike Davis, and I’m talking with climatologist Corey Davis about this. Corey, it seems like we’ve been in spring for quite a while though. “Yeah, it really does. Mike, it’s hard to believe it’s only a month and a half into the season because when you […]
Betting on a Wet April, and Other Weather Wagers

Betting on a Wet April, and Other Weather Wagers

Apr 12, 2024 | 5:41am
With the passage of sports betting as legal in the state of North Carolina, that has brought about some interesting prospects. I’m talking with Corey Davis, the Assistant State Climatologist from North Carolina on this, and I’m wagering that we can come up with some interesting bets for this spring’s weather particularly for the month […]
Weather Records Set in March

Weather Records Set in March

Apr 5, 2024 | 4:29am
Mike Davis with Corey Davis from the State Climate Office of North Carolina. As you look back over the month of March, you saw some records broken, what were those? “One of those was right along the coast of North Carolina. They had pretty regular rainfall and some heavy rainfall in those areas. So it […]
Recap Shows a Warm, Wet Winter in Carolinas

Recap Shows a Warm, Wet Winter in Carolinas

Mar 22, 2024 | 12:08pm
The State Climate Office of North Carolina has posted their winter recap blog just a few days ago and to give us some more in depth views of what this winter has been like the winter that is now in our rearview mirror. I am talking with Corey Davis, Assistant State Climatologist for North Carolina, […]
Still a Chance of Frost and Freeze in Forecast

Still a Chance of Frost and Freeze in Forecast

Mar 15, 2024 | 5:58am
It’s certainly feeling like spring, in fact maybe late spring more so than March right now. I’m talking with Corey Davis from the State Climate Office of North Carolina about this and unseasonably warm temperatures at least during the daytime this week. “Especially over the last week we had been climbing through the upper 60s […]
After Saturday, Dryer Air Coming In to Carolinas

After Saturday, Dryer Air Coming In to Carolinas

Mar 8, 2024 | 4:01am
A wet week over much of the Carolinas, but some dry weather is coming. Let’s talk to Corey Davis, from the Climate Office of North Carolina to get the latest on this. Well, Mike, we’ve had three really solid rain events over the last week. One of those came through last Friday night into early […]
To Plant or Not to Plant…EARLY?

To Plant or Not to Plant…EARLY?

Feb 23, 2024 | 4:58am
You look at the calendar and it says February but we look outside we look at the thermometer and we’re thinking, maybe Spring has sprung. We’ll turn to climatologist Corey Davis to get his take on it may be a more scientific one than just whether or not we need to wear a jacket today […]
Midterm Winter Check Reveals Warmer-than-Usual Temps

Midterm Winter Check Reveals Warmer-than-Usual Temps

Feb 16, 2024 | 4:02am
Talking with NC Assistant State Climatologist Corey Davis. How’s this winter stacking up as far as winters go, Corey? Mike, February is our shortest month, but we don’t want to shortchange it. Let’s show it some love, especially here on Valentine’s week. So through the midpoint of February, the big story is just how warm […]