Parts of Western Carolinas Falling Back into Drought

Parts of Western Carolinas Falling Back into Drought

Sep 6, 2024 | 5:05am
It’s been about a month since the remnants of Hurricane Debby came through North and South Carolina. Let’s take a look at what’s happened in those four weeks or so since then with climatologist Corey Davis, the Assistant State Climatologist of North Carolina. Corey, if I’m not mistaken, we got Debby, that came through with […]
August Was a Wet One in Carolinas, with Cooler Temps Ahead

August Was a Wet One in Carolinas, with Cooler Temps Ahead

Aug 30, 2024 | 3:31am
Taking a look back at August now, as we wrap up this month, which has certainly had its ups and downs weather wise in the Carolinas, I’m Mike Davis, talking with Corey Davis from the State Climate Office of North Carolina. “Well, Mike, when we look at the month as a whole, obviously that one […]
Peanuts Fared Well Through TS Debby

Peanuts Fared Well Through TS Debby

Aug 23, 2024 | 2:03pm
It’s typical when we get a hurricane or a tropical storm to come through that right behind it, we get some really nice weather. And we did this time, but it was sort of a delayed reaction. Let’s find out why, from climatologist Corey Davis, Assistant State Climatologist with the state climate office of North […]
Debby Leaves Wet Fields Behind, but Little Wind Damage

Debby Leaves Wet Fields Behind, but Little Wind Damage

Aug 9, 2024 | 4:42am
Tropical Storm Debby leaving an impact on the Carolinas. For some perspective right now, we turn to North Carolina assistant state climatologist Corey Davis. Corey, tell us what you’re seeing, what you’ve heard from across the Carolinas with the impact so far. “Well, Mike, we have been through the wringer. This is an event that […]
Debby Rumbling Towards Carolinas

Debby Rumbling Towards Carolinas

Aug 7, 2024 | 3:14am
Giving us an update on Tropical Storm Debby, I’m turning to climatologist Corey Davis with the State Climate Office of North Carolina, Corey we’ve already seen to the south of us some really, really heavy rains are. Is that what we can expect here in the Carolinas as well? “Well, unfortunately, Mike, you’re right. We’ve […]
Carolinas Pulling Out of Drought Conditions

Carolinas Pulling Out of Drought Conditions

Aug 2, 2024 | 4:27am
Wet, then dry, then wet. There’s the last three months for you. We don’t even need to talk to Corey Davis from the climate office of North Carolina, but we’re going to this morning, he’s going to give us an update with a little more specificity about what we’ve seen, especially in the month of […]
Rain in ENC Helps Crops Bounce Back

Rain in ENC Helps Crops Bounce Back

Jul 26, 2024 | 3:29am
Quite a change in our forecast, quite a change in what we’ve seen weather wise over the past couple of weeks from the previous month, and I’m talking with Corey Davis from the State Climate Office of North Carolina. Corey, let’s start off with some of the amazing rain that we have seen, the rain […]
The Rains Helped Where They Fell; More on the Way

The Rains Helped Where They Fell; More on the Way

Jul 19, 2024 | 5:03am
The rains last weekend did bring some improvements to parts of North and South Carolina. For details, we now turn to assistant state climatologist Corey Davis from the state climate office of North Carolina, and some areas like my Franklin County in North Carolina saw some pretty heavy rains, and some other areas got even […]
Spotty Rains Welcomed over Weekend, but More is Needed

Spotty Rains Welcomed over Weekend, but More is Needed

Jul 16, 2024 | 3:36am
Hit or miss rains spread across the Carolinas this past weekend. I’m talking with North Carolina Assistant Climatologist Corey Davis. At my house in Franklin County, we got four inches, and it was a good steady rain throughout most of the day on Saturday, which was a little more than we expected. What are you […]
Extreme Drought Now Appearing in Both Carolinas

Extreme Drought Now Appearing in Both Carolinas

Jul 12, 2024 | 5:29am
Levels of drought we have not seen in more than a decade. There’s the headline for you. I’m Mike Davis talking with climatologist, Corey Davis, Assistant State Climatologist for North Carolina. Corey, I was taking a look at the Drought Monitor, and I’m seeing colors that do not look good to me, and especially don’t […]