Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 23

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 23

Feb 23, 2024 | 4:42am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Even many market analysts who were bearish have been surprised at how fast corn and soybean markets have dropped. The selling has been relentless and it has come in a combination of the funds building short positions and […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 16

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 16

Feb 16, 2024 | 11:45am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. The USDA outlook conference is underway yesterday and today. USDA will give us the first glimpse of the new crop production and balance sheet estimates. This data is compiled by the USDA economists and not from survey data […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday February 13

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday February 13

Feb 13, 2024 | 2:38am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Grain and oilseed markets closed higher on Monday despite strength in the dollar and weakness in crude oil. There were also big general rains across much of Argentina and Brazil furthering crop development which should have been bearish […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 9

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 9

Feb 9, 2024 | 4:35am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. The USDA February report is typically a non-event as there are not typically any big changes made. USDA does not make changes to the US crop size and typically only minor changes to the demand side. South American […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 2

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday February 2

Feb 2, 2024 | 3:22am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Corn and soybeans posted key reversals Tuesday. That is a technical trading term that is used when a market makes new lows but then closes higher. Bulls hope that means the market has run out of willing sellers […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday January 30

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday January 30

Jan 30, 2024 | 2:06am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Grain and oilseed markets start the week off on a sour note with March beans closing below $12 for the first time and March corn posting a new low close as well. Beans, corn and wheat were able […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday January 12

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday January 12

Jan 12, 2024 | 7:29am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Grain and oilseed markets continue to chop ahead of USDA’s data dump this afternoon, Jan 12th, at noon. Beans have been weak for most of the week. Corn and wheat have managed to scratch out some positive closes […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday January 9

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday January 9

Jan 9, 2024 | 4:10am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. The second week of 2024 is not starting off any more friendly for the grain bulls as the first week. Soybeans started off the week down double digits, corn down a nickel and wheat down almost 20 cents. […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday January 5

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday January 5

Jan 5, 2024 | 3:27am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Grain markets started off the New Year on a bearish note led lower by beans and wheat. Corn is still just along for the ride. The weakness came mostly from weather as the Northern growing region of Brazil […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday December 22

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday December 22

Dec 22, 2023 | 3:45am
This is the Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Markets have been in full holiday mode all week with light volumes trading. Soybeans continue to trade each weather forecast for Brazil. The 10-15 day models continue to show rain and then as we get closer the models […]