Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday September 6

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday September 6

Sep 6, 2024 | 3:44am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Since the first notice day lows, December corn has rallied 27 cents, November beans have rallied more than 60 cents and December wheat is up 50 cents. There are several factors contributing to the strength but the […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 30

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 30

Aug 30, 2024 | 2:45am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. The ProFarmer crop tour is behind us and now priced in. The market is watching the last few weeks of US weather that matters and waiting for the USDA Sept report that comes out on September 12th […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday August 27

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday August 27

Aug 27, 2024 | 5:20am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Friday after the close ProFarmer released their national yield estimates for both corn and soybeans. They also released their state yields for each state of the tour. The state numbers released throughout the week are not statewide […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 23

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 23

Aug 23, 2024 | 10:30am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Market is closely following the ProFarmer crop tour going across the Midwest this week. At the time of this recording, we have gotten the tour yield for Illinois, Nebraska, Indiana, South Dakota and Ohio. Thursday at 8pm, […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday August 20

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday August 20

Aug 20, 2024 | 4:47am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. The Pro Farmer Crop Tour got underway yesterday, Monday August 19th. The tour has traveled the same route and used the same yield estimating procedures since 1993 to make year to year comparisons useful. The tour starts […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 16

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 16

Aug 16, 2024 | 4:28am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. We have had several sessions to digest USDA’s latest numbers now and there has not been much for the bulls to hang their hopes on. We have seen good news on the demand side this week in […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday August 13

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday August 13

Aug 13, 2024 | 3:56am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Yesterday we got USDA’s August supply and demand report. This can be a big market mover because it was the first time this year USDA gave us an actual estimate of yield based on satellite data and […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 9

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 9

Aug 9, 2024 | 3:26am
Corn and soybeans continue to work lower, challenging recent support levels. Since the weather scare a few weeks ago, the weather has turned close to ideal for much of the Midwest. The funds still have a very large short position but have bought back some positions. The fund buying was offset by farmer selling as […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 2

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Friday August 2

Aug 2, 2024 | 4:14am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. It is very hard to find something positive to talk about with this market. The selling has been relentless and every time we think we see something positive, the market quickly undoes it a session or two […]
Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday July 23

Brooks Schaffer Market Report for Tuesday July 23

Jul 23, 2024 | 12:23am
This is the SFN Market Report with Brooks Schaffer of Palmetto Grain. Reach him at [email protected] or 843-540-4540. Despite all the turmoil on the political front over the weekend, Monday’s trade felt like it was more about weather than politics. Honestly I think the market is just as confused about what will happen in the […]