Having clean fields as corn plants emerge will get that crop off to the best possible start. Phil Krieg, an agronomy service representative with Syngenta, says those early-season weeds fundamentally alter corn growth right from the beginning.
“Early-season weed control means everything to yield. When we look at all of the trialing we do at Grow More Sites and with the university work that we do, we always see an advantage to controlling weeds early, controlling them before they ever come up to compete with the crop in any way or at any size. The other thing that enters into that conversation with most folks is a conversation around crop safety. Looking at putting these products on pre-emergent, at least part of it even if it’s in a two-pass program, getting some herbicide out there, like Storen, at planting time, controlling those weeds before they ever come up and providing the crop safety to give farmers the confidence to make that application.”
He talks about what makes Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp so hard to control.
“This weed has outsmarted just about every chemistry that we’ve tried to use to control it from a resistance standpoint, so we at Syngenta look at that weed, first and foremost, from a control aspect, taking a look at doing everything we can to keep it from developing more resistance than it already has to the common herbicides that we’re using.”
Krieg says Syngenta’s latest herbicide is a great way to tackle the most troublesome weeds and get that good early-season weed control the corn crop needs.
“Storen herbicide is unique in that it’s more than just a premix. It brings complementary physical properties together of two Group 15s, s-Metolachlor and Pyroxasulfone, and two HPPDs, Bicyclopyrone and Calisto. By bringing those products together, it’s more than just a premix. It’s a product that brings complementary physical properties, and what I mean by that is that it is balanced to be a little bit more resilient to weather. By bringing Storen to the marketplace as a tool for growers to work with, it sets us apart in weed control as compared to our competitors like Resicore and TriVolt, both from a standpoint of control and from crop safety, and then, finally, the flexibility of a product that a grower can use in a lot of different ways – one-pass, two-pass, early, post – a lot of flexibility here that they can use, so this is really a tool to fight weed resistance.”
Talk to your local Syngenta retailer or sales rep to learn more, or visit StorenWontQuit.com