NC Commissioner Troxler: Organic Cost-Share Funding Available

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has $135,000 in cost-share funding to reimburse growers for up to 75% of the certification costs per category. The deadline to apply is Oct. 31. Growers are encouraged to apply early.

  • The application period is open now for organic growers to apply for cost-share funding for reimbursement of up to 75% of the costs to become certified or recertified.
  • We received $135,000 from USDA this year for this cost-share program, and organic growers are eligible to apply for reimbursement of a portion of their certification costs per category.
  • There are four categories. They are crops, livestock, wild crop and handler/processor. The maximum reimbursement per category is $750. 
  • This is a good program for organic growers, and I encourage them to apply early even though the deadline is Oct. 31 because the funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The program will cover growers who are certified or recertified between Oct. 1, 2023 and Sept. 30, 2024.
  • Growers will need to submit a completed application, detailed invoices or statements from the certifying agency that lists all the National Organic Program certified costs, proof of payment, a substitute W-9 form and a copy of your certificate.
  • All charges must be for USDA organic certification.
  • You can find the application online through our Marketing Division webpage under the marketing-grading services link. Then click on the Organic link.
  • Growers can also apply through their local Farm Service Agency office.