Potato LEAF, or the Potato Industry Leadership Education Advancement Foundation, has a leadership training opportunity with historical roots.
Mike Wenkel, National Potato Council VP in charge of PLEAF, says it’s a new program for tomorrow’s leaders.
“As we looked at a variety of options, we landed on what we’re calling, “Leadership in the Field.” And in 2024, that will be at Gettysburg, on the Gettysburg battlefield, with an opportunity to dive into the lessens in leadership that occurred throughout the Battle of Gettysburg.”
Wenkel says “From the Battlefield to Potato Field” helps you think on your feet.
“Help the participants think about and have facilitated discussions on what that could mean for potentially their own farms, or the voluntary organizations they’re part of, whether it’s a state organization or serving on the National Potato Council or Potatoes USA and how they can use those skills as they’ve been taught to strengthen the industry.”
And the application deadline is coming up.
“We’re really excited about the opportunity and encouraging everyone out there in the industry to take a look at it and see if the dates of July 15 to 18 work to come to Gettysburg and learn with some of their piers about lessens in leadership.”
The fee for selected participants is $1,800, which includes all programming by Licensed Battlefield Guides, most meals, and lodging at the Gettysburg Hotel in downtown Gettysburg. The cost of travel is not included in the program fees. The application is available www.PLEAF.org and will be accepted through March 1.