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Scout Fields during Harvest for 2024 Decision Making

Farmers are encouraged to scout their fields during harvest to help prepare for next year. LG Seeds Agronomist Al Bass says harvest is a great opportunity for farmers to make field observations and use that information to fine-tune their plans for the next growing season.

“Farmers spend a lot of time in the field this time of year and it’s a great opportunity to take notes and write down your observations that we learned throughout the season. Some examples we look for is the standability of those crops, the weed pressures that we may have missed or did a good job with, as well as insect pressures that may be causing us some yields. Use the combine time, or the grain cart is great time to look at your goals for next year.” 

Bass says corn stalk quality is one common concern farmers in his Wisconsin territory are observing. And he knows they aren’t alone.

“This year for many farmers, we had a lot of heat stress that took a toll on the crops, and that stalk degradation from the stress and from disease is really widespread. If you’ve encountered any standability issues this year, consider tolerant hybrids for this coming year. Some of the products we have, include 49-C28, and LG52C42, which have great stalk quality.” 

Another common source of harvest loss is delaying harvest for too long so corn can dry down in the field, according to Bass.

“Farmers like to wait until 15 percent moisture corn to come off the field, which really can cut down on your drying costs, but you don’t want to outweigh that harvest loss. And so, I like to recommend moisture between 18 and 22 percent, and this strikes a good balance between the cost of that dry down and the harvest losses that can occur from head shelling or spitting it out the back.” 

By utilizing these tips, Bass says farmers will have the information they need to make the best decisions for 2024.

“Scouting fields now and throughout the season helps stay ahead of problems and help us make decisions for next year, and LG Seeds agronomists are happy to visit with farmers about their goals for next year and help determine the products we can use on their farm, going into the future here.” 

Visit or contact your local LG Seeds Agronomist to learn more.