NC Commissioner Troxler: Wildfire Prevention

As we enter the spring wildfire season, it is important to remember that everyone has a role to play in reducing the risk of wildfires. Exercise caution by not leaving fires unattended and being prepared with water and tools to stamp out fire if you do burn. And, don’t burn on windy or dry days.

  • Every spring we talk about the spring wildfire season, but this year I would say there is a greater sense of urgency that people be smart when it comes to fires, especially in Western N.C.   
  • I know spring is the time of year when people want to get out in their yards and clear away the dead limbs and other debris in their yards. Often that involves burning the debris.
  • Because a lot of debris from Hurricane Helene remains on the ground in Western N.C., it makes for a much bigger than normal fuel load. That fuel load increases the risk of a wildfire happening and being more intense if a fire gets out of control.
  • That means it is important that anyone who burns does so carefully and follows recommendations on when to burn and when not to burn. You should never burn on a windy, dry day.
  • In addition, you should never leave a fire unattended and you should have water and tools on hand to put out fire and flames if a fire escapes.
  • And if you start a fire, you need to ensure all fire and embers are out and cool to the touch before leaving the site.
  • Making sure you keep these commonsense tips in mind if you plan to burn, hopefully ensures that your fire remains under control and doesn’t lead to bigger issues.
  • We have seen from the wildfires in California just how destructive wildfires can be. That serves as a reminder that we need to be extra vigilant in North Carolina especially because of the storm debris that exists.
  • We talk about this every year because 99 percent of wildfires are the result of human behavior.
  • So, our best defense against wildfires is making smart choices if you decide to burn, whether that’s at a campsite or in your yard.