NC Commissioner Troxler: Time to Test Float Bed Water

Tobacco farmers are busy preparing for the 2025 season and as they begin readying transplants for production, it is also a good time to test the float bed water.  

  • Our Agronomic Services Division is well known for testing soil samples submitted to the lab and making recommendations to farmers to optimize plant growth, but it also offers many other testing services that can help farmers with their bottom line.
  • For tobacco farmers, now is a good time to submit float bed water and nutrient solutions to ensure tobacco transplants get off to a good start.
  • Some of the most common water quality problems the lab finds involve alkalinity, pH, and sodium and chloride issues.
  • These can be addressed and corrected to improve transplant quality.
  • To collect a source water sample, farmers should run the water 5 to 10 minutes and collect the sample from the tap. You can use a clean plastic bottle, like a 16-ounce soda or water bottle. Be sure to rinse the bottle with the water being tested.

  • Growers should take their nutrient solution samples after fertilizers have been mixed into the bays. Make sure the fertilizer has been thoroughly mixed and is completely dissolved. Collect the sample from the emitter, not the stock tank.
  • The cost per sample is $5 and you can go online at our Agronomic Services Division to fill out the submission forms and pay. Of course, you have to mail in your samples to the lab.

  • The turnaround time on these test results is typically two to four business days.

  • There can be a good return on this investment by correcting any issues early in the process.