Any Chance Left of Getting a Farm Bill in 2024?

With a lame-duck Congress until the end of the year, is there any chance of getting a new farm bill done in 2024, or will we let the new Congress worry about it in 2025?

National Farmers Union President Rob Larew says it’s pretty clear we really can’t afford to wait.

“You know, we’re over, nearly a year-and-a-half overdue anyway. Economic conditions out there are not improving for a lot of farm situations, and as folks have to have tough conversations with their lenders and try to do planning, this lack of certainty is an enormous challenge.”

Larew says we will have new leadership coming soon.

“What I do know, having followed farm bills for a long time, is that when you have the top leadership, we’re talking about the Speaker of the House, the Majority Leader in the Senate, and potentially a President-elect saying it’s time to get this farm bill done and get it off the agenda. Because next year is going to be focused on so many other things. I hope that that kind of pressure along with farmers and ranchers talking, that we can seize the opportunity and get it done before the end of the year.”

Or will bitter Democrats dig in their heels?

“So, I don’t think that you’re necessarily going to have that kind of bickering. I think the real question is whether or not, with the other things that have to get completed by the end of the year, whether or not there’s the political will to make sure that a farm bill gets completed.”

Larew says there are still plenty of rural Democrats and reasons to get a farm bill done.