‘Pork and Partners’ Educates Health Professionals About Pork Benefits

Pork and Partners is a catalyst to encourage health and wellness professionals to see pork’s nutritional potential in a new way through ongoing dialogues on current topics and research. Erin Good, corporate dietitian with Hy-Vee, talks about her experience with Pork and Partners.

“I was a Pork and Partners roadshow attendee last year in August. It was a great three-day event. We kicked it off at the Iowa State Fair. I had a pork chop on a stick. It was a nice, easy way to kind of welcome us all, and then I got to meet dietitians from around the US. I also got to network with the National Pork Board members and also meet three of the U.S. pig farmers. So, rounding out the full circle, I was able to receive continuing education hours, but then really just learning more about how to unify and strengthen our messaging as dietitians when we’re talking about pork to consumers.”

Good talks about the insights she shares with consumers.

“Often, when customers are coming to me, it’s because of maybe a health condition or they’re going on a diet. And so, as dietitians, we like to kind of spin the mindset, I guess, of the consumer when they’re thinking of restricting, no flavor, no taste. And now we’re saying, hey, no, we’re going to want you to add more to your plate, more flavor, more color, and more nutrition to your plate, and this is where the concept of pork being the ultimate carrier food fits in perfectly with their messaging. And then, just educating the consumer, not only on cooking it, how to flavor it, and then giving them that confidence that they can do it over and over again, for themselves, for their families, and entertaining guests at home.”

She’s learned a lot about America’s pork producers through the Pork and Partners road show.

“So, when I was in the road show with the Pork and Partners and the U.S. pig farmer panelists, just getting to see the quality and care they have for their animals, and then realizing that it really is a 24/7 job. They never get to take a day off, so a big thank you for that. Also, thank you for adapting and making pork leaner than it was decades ago, so it’s a nutritious, high-quality protein. And then even just a thank you for their community involvement. A few weeks ago, I was actually at Special Olympics Iowa. They had summer games, and the Iowa Pork Producers were there, giving out pork burgers for all the athletes, and attendees. So, just seeing the purpose and the passion, connecting full circle with their communities.”

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