It’s a good time of year to visit farms across South Carolina. The Ag + Art Tour kicks off May 4 in McCormick County.
Commissioner Weathers:
This is a Clemson Cooperative Extension undertaking that our department has been very supportive of over the years.
The Ag + Art Tour is a free, self-guided tour of farms and markets featuring local artisans at every stop.
During the tour visitors have the opportunity to see first-hand where their food comes from, watch artists in action and purchase their works, and learn more about rural life.
It’s attracted more than 100,000 visitors since it began in 2012.
This year’s tour includes 150 tour sites featuring farms and artisans in 20 counties throughout May and June.
This is a free event organized at the local level, by county committees.
Tour stops include farms, agribusinesses, and farmers’ markets.
Participating artists include weavers, painters, storytellers, metalworkers, and craftspeople, poets and live musical performances.
To participate or learn more, visit